Or if you want to set up the perfect hiding spot to take down your target, utilize the treestands and tripods for maximum visibility. Bring the drilling rifle along for versatility, the MN1890 or M1 for reliability, or the Muzzleloader for that old-time explosive shot. Including 5 weapon and equipment packs, you will be able to prepare yourself for any hunting situation.

When tracking your target, you need to bring the best possible equipment for the task, and Diamond Bundle has you covered. And that only scratches the surface of what these 4 regions have to offer. In these diverse reserves, you will be able to hunt animals of all shapes and sizes, from grizzly bears and wolves to turkeys, bighorn sheep, ibexes, and pumas. Trek through the lavender fields of Parque Fernando, explore the lush snow covered landscape of Yukon Valley, traverse the regal foliage of Cuatro Colinas, or scale past the cloudline in the mountainous Silver Ridge Peaks. In the Diamond Bundle, you will be able to visit hunting grounds across the globe. As you finally spot the majestic crown of your first red deer through the brush, the feeling is indescribable. Just remember, you are not just a visitor in this world, you are a living and breathing part of it. You can decide to hunt on your own or join up and hunt together with friends. Plunge into an atmospheric open world, teeming with life: from the majestic true-to-life animals to the rustling of leaves above you as you stalk your prey. TheHunter: Call of the Wild Diamond Bundle lets you dive into a hunting experience like no other, containing the base game, 4 reserves, 3 weapon packs, 3 equipment packs and 2 trophy lodges.